Reebok Assvertising Full of Hot Air: Korean Reactions

(Sources: left, right)

“Speed”, as the New York Times recently intoned, is an “obsession” of Koreans. It’s a cliche, like most labels the foreign media applies to them, but it’s one of the few I’d generally agree with.

Another is that they’re hardworking. While they don’t work quite as many hours as foreign observers tend to think, nobody can deny that they’re always prepared to roll their sleeves up when the boss demands it.

Perhaps then, their boss should consider reviving the 1980s custom of having employees doing traditional national gymnastics together (googminchaejo; 국민체조) before the start of work? For when it comes to losing weight by themselves, Koreans’ obsession with speed easily trumps the resolve they have when they’re on the job.

In short, Korea is simply bursting at the seams with ads promising quick fixes.

To be fair though, I haven’t lived outside of Korea for 11 years, so I can’t reliably claim there’s any more of them here than in, say, the US. The one study I’m aware of that did compare diet ads in both countries however, found that US ones tended to promote more active ways of losing weight, whereas Korean ones tended to promote the idea that if one simply ate, drank, applied, or even sat on the advertised product or service, then that perfect body was simply guaranteed.

That isn’t mere hyperbole. Technically neither foods nor medicines, dieting-related products are a little-regulated, legal gray area in Korea, essentially allowing manufacturers to pretty much make up any claims about them that they like.

It is no wonder then, that Koreans consume them in droves. And I can empathize: once a former gym addict concerned with bulking up, ironically now I have a good 10kg to lose. But with two children, I lack the time, energy, and enthusiasm I had for exercising in my twenties. If only I could just drink something like “Fat-Down” instead, or even this beer (well, actually I have started drinking that). Or sit in this special seat all day. Or use this when I shower. Or, indeed, wear shoes that automatically toned my fat ass just by my walking to and from the subway station each day…


Alas, the online Reebok store lists only 5 male versions to 47 female ones, and they’re all a little pricey for me. Perhaps, just like Coke Zero (which has replaced Pepsi in my Black Russians) was so named because men associate the word “diet” with women too much, the disparity is because Reebok felt that men would ultimately reject the idea. And who can blame them? For as just those examples above (and especially these ones) demonstrate, all aimed at women, to say that US advertisements tend to promote active methods of losing weight, Koreans passive ones, is a little simplistic. Instead, it would be much more accurate to say that in both countries, it’s the active methods that get promoted to men, the passive ones to women.

Despite half the population not buying them though, toning shoes are the fastest growing shoe market in Korea at the moment, with ReeTones alone making up half of Reebok’s total sales.

It was with great interest then, that I recently read that the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) had ordered Reebok to refund 25 million dollars to (gullible) US purchasers of its EasyTone (이지톤) sneakers, finding that its notorious assvertising claims were nothing more than hot air. Would Reebok Korea also be providing refunds? What about other Korean companies offering similar products? Would this be a wake-up call for Korean consumers? What do they think about the news? Read on to find out.

First, from Money Today (머니토다에), taking up from when it starts talking about the effect on Korea:

우리나라에서도 리복은 지난 5월 이지톤 토닝화의 몸매 보정 효과를 대대적으로 홍보하며 판매에 들어갔다. 때문에 업계에서는 공정거래위원회가 어떤 조치를 취할지 주목하고 있다.

In Korea too, there has been an immense marketing drive for EasyTone shoes since May, so the industry has taken a great deal of interest in what measures the FTC would enact.

국내시장에서는 리복 뿐 아니라 뉴발란스, 르까프, 스케쳐스, 휠라, 머렐 등에서 몸매 보정기능을 강조한 토닝화를 시판중이며 시장도 매년 급성장 중이다. 업계 추산에 따르면 국내 신발시장의 전체 규모는 약 4조원. 그중 워킹화와 토닝화 시장 규모는 연간 6000억~7000억원, 브랜드만 총 20여 개다. 매년 40~50%대의 폭발적인 성장세를 보이고 있다.

In the domestic market, it is not just Reebok that sells toning shoes, but also New Balance, Sketchers, Fila, and Merrel, and this market is rapidly growing. According to industry estimates, the size of the entire Korean shoe market is 4 trillion won (US$3.37 billion), of which walking shoes and toning shoes make up 6-7 billion won. More than 20 brands sell them, and each year the market for them has seen explosive growth of 40-50%.

업계 관계자는 “걷기열풍과 함께 워킹화와 토닝화 수요가 2~3년 전부터 급격히 증가하기 시작했다”며 “최근 들어 기능성 운동화는 브랜드별 전체 신발 매출의 70% 이상을 차지할 정도로 잘 나간다”라고 말했다. 그는 이어 “그간 업체들의 광고가 국내 소비자들의 구매의욕을 자극해왔기 때문에 이번 미국 공정위의 조치는 국내시장에도 상당한 영향을 미칠 것”이라고 내다봤다.

An industry insider said “With the new walking craze, the demand for walking and toning shoes started dramatically increasing from 2 to 3 years ago”, and that “these days, sales of  ‘functional shoes’ make up over 70% of the total sales of those companies that sell them”. Accordingly, “because [Korean] shoe advertisements [likewise] stimulate Korean consumers’ desire to purchase them, the FTC’s decision is expected to have a considerable effect [on the Korean market]”.


Next, from the Kyunghyang Shinmun (경향신문):

리복 코리아는 미국에서 문제가 된 광고를 그대로 가져와 쓰지는 않았으나 토닝화의 몸매 보정 효과를 홍보해왔기 때문에 국내 광고도 논란이 일 것으로 예상된다. 리복 코리아는 미스코리아 출신 이하늬씨를 광고모델로 기용하고 “움직이는 것만으로 바디라인이 살아납니다”라는 홍보문구를 내걸며 몸매 보정 효과를 강조해왔다.

While the problematic US advertisements were not used in Korea, as the marketing here has likewise emphasized the toning effects of the shoes, Reebok Korea is expected to come under a lot of criticism. [Specifically], Rebook Korea hired former Miss Korea (2006) Lee Ha-nui to emphasize their [claimed] toning effects, using the catchphrase “Just by moving, you’ll get a bodyline”.

(James – I’m not so sure that the US advertisements weren’t used in Korea. Not only were untranslated versions widely available on the Korean internet from the outset, but many – like the example below – were indeed translated [albeit not literally: “S-line” isn’t English], including the notorious one of a [faceless] women’s breasts griping about all the attention her newly toned buttocks were getting)


국내에서는 2~3년 전부터 걷기 열풍이 불면서 리복, 프로스펙스, 뉴발란스, 르까프, 휠라 등이 기능성 신발을 내놨다. 이 시장은 2005년 500억원에서 지난해 6000억원(삼성경제연구소 추정치)으로 5년 만에 10배 이상 커졌다. 이 가운데 대표적인 기능성 신발이 토닝화다. 토닝화는 올들어 워킹화와 러닝화에 밀리기는 했지만 기능화 시장의 성장을 주도했다.

As a walking craze has developed over the last 2-3 years, a number of companies have started producing functional shoes, including Reebok, Prospecs, New Balance, LeCaf, and Fila. According to estimates by the Samsung Economic Research Institute (SERI), the market has grown from 50 billion won in 2005 to 600 billion won in 2010, more than a ten-fold increase in only 5 years.

Of these functional shoes, toning shoes are representative [most popular?], their sales still trailing those of walking and running shoes but leading the growth of the functional shoe market.

국내 한 백화점에서 12만9000~16만9000원에 팔리고 있는 리복 이지톤 시리즈는 지난해 리복 매출의 50%를 차지했다. 리복의 과장광고가 미국 당국의 제재를 받았다는 사실이 알려진 뒤 온라인상에서는 “미국에서 허위광고로 거액을 물게 됐다는데 국내에서는 환불을 해주지 않느냐”는 소비자들의 주문이 이어지고 있다. 리복 코리아 측은 국내 광고 중단이나 환불에 대한 공식 입장을 내놓지 않은 채 “아직 내부적으로 대응방안을 논의하는 중”이라고만 밝혔다. 미국의 유명한 기능화인 스케쳐스도 FTC 조사를 받고 있는 것으로 알려졌다.

In Korean department stores, EasyTone sell for between 129,000 and 169,000 won, and last year made up 50% of Reebok’s total sales. Online, Korean consumers have been asking “In America, Reebok had to pay back a lot of money for its false advertising. Will we receive refunds too?”. But as of yet, Reebok Korea has made no official announcement as to whether its Korean advertisements will be suspended, other than to say “We are still formulating a plan on how to deal with this domestically”.

[Meanwhile], in the US the FTC is also investigating the famous functional shoe manufacturer Sketchers.

스케쳐스 국내 판매업체인 LS네트웍스 관계자는 “미국 스케쳐스에 대한 FTC 조사는 아직 진행 중인 것으로 알고 있다”며 “올해부터 본사 차원에서 토닝화보다는 워킹·러닝 겸용화를 주력 상품으로 밀고 있다”고 말했다.

Sketchers are sold in Korea via LS Networks. A person in the industry said they were aware of the FTC investigation, and that “from last year, Sketchers head office has focused its efforts more on combination walking and running shoes than on toning shoes”.

(KBS Report, September 30 2011. Source)

Finally, from blogger tuesbelle:

과장 광고했다는 이유로 한국 돈으로 3백억원을 환불하고 광고를 중단하기로 했다네요.

아래는 CBS 방송입니다. ㅎㅎㅎ괜히 비싼 거였네요……음…

리복은 지금 한국에서도 몸매 보정 효과를 스타를 앞세워 홍보하며 판매에 들어갔기 때문에 공정거래위원회가 소비자 보호를 위해서 미국처럼 어떤  조치를 취할 지 궁금해지네요. 지금 엄청 잘 팔리고 있잖아요.

Because of exaggerated advertisements, Rebook has had to refund 30 billion won in Korean money, and suspend such advertisements for them. Look at the CBS report below [available on the blog], LOL. The expensive price of the shoes was unnecessary. Um…

In Korea too, because Reebok has used stars to wax lyrical about the toning effects of the shoes, I wonder what measures will be taken here. They’ve been selling unbelievably well these days.

사실 리복 뿐인가요?

벌써 여러 브랜드에서 난리가 났죠. 이런 토닝화는 뉴 밸런스 및 스케처스, 아식스,프로스펙스 등 많은 업체에서 생산되고 있으며 켤레당  좀 비싼 편에 속하죠.

Is it just Reebok? No, already many brands are involved in the boom, like New Balance, Sketcher, Asics, Prospecs, and so on. All of their toning shoes are really expensive too, yes?


미국에서 는  FTC 발표에 대해서 뉴 밸런스는 아무 말도 없었고 논평 요청에 응하지 않았지만 스케처스는 지난 8월 미 증권관리위원회(SEC)에 대한 보고에서 FTC가 ‘쉐이크 업’ 등 자사 토닝화 광고를 조사하고 있다고 밝 혔다네요.

과학적 기능이 아주 조금 들어갔다가 뻥튀기고 되어 나온 걸까요?

저도 스케쳐스 이전 버젼이 있는 데요. 꽤 편하거든요. 어떤 효과가 있는 지는 아직도 못느끼고 있지만 ㅎㅎ :)

암튼 과대 광고로 돈 벌 생각만 한 기업주들은 이번에 제대로 사과하셔야 할 듯하네요. 소비자들도 너무 믿으면 안될 것 같아요.

 In America, New Balance made no statement about the FTC’s decision, but Sketchers said that toning shoe advertisements were [already?] under investigation in the August report of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), in a shake-up of the industry.

Have the scientific functions of the shoes been completely exaggerated?

I have an old version of Sketchers toning shoes. They’re actually really comfortable. [Although] I haven’t noticed any benefit from them yet… LOL :)

Anyway, if companies make exaggerated claims in ads, only thinking about making money, then they should properly apologize. And consumers shouldn’t be so gullible.


근데,,,민사소송도 진행중이라던데,,,한국도 하려는 분들이 계실 것 같은데,,,,음….

일단 돈 조금 더 벌려다가 기업 이미지 나빠지고 고객들에게 미움 받고 돈도 돌려줘야 할 판이 되어 버렸네요.

토닝화 중에서 리복이랑 아식스가 제일 이쁘던데,,,,,음…..그게 과학의 값이 아니라 스타 광고와 디자인 값이었나봐요. 일반 운동화와 별 차이가 없다면 가격을 더 내려야 할 듯…한국 리복은 여전히 광고하고 온라인 샵 할인판매 하던데요?

By the way, I heard a civil suit is in progress [in America?]. In Korea too, there will be many people planning to do the same…um…

For starters, the shoe companies were making a little more money, but are now getting a bad image and receiving a lot of hatred from consumers, so they have to pay the consumers back.

Out of toning shoes, I think Reebok’s and Asics’ are the prettiest…um…but I guess the high prices were not for anything scientific in them, but their star ads and their design. If there’s no difference with normal exercise shoes though, then their price should be lowered. How on Earth can Reebok Korea still have ads for them and sell them on their online shop?


한국은 어찌 처리 하려나?? 궁금해집니다.

아식스스포츠, 리복, 나이키, 뉴발란스, 푸마, 프로스펙스, 르까프, 스케쳐스 등등 너무 많은 브랜드의 기능화들,,,,

소비자에게 양심을 지키고 있을 지 기대됩니다.

From now on…

What will happen in Korea? I’m curious.

Asics, Reebok, Nike, New Balance, Puma, Prospecs, LeCaf, Sketchers…there’s so many brands selling functional shoes…I look forward to them keeping their conscience towards consumers


환불 보상 TIP: 현재 리복 코리아는 말이 없지만  리복 본사 사이트에 가셔서 구입한 영수증 등의 자료를 영어로 문서화해서

구입을 증명할 경우 보상 받을 수 있다고 합니다. *^_^* 아래 동영상 < sbs 5분 경제 >맨 마지막부분에서 언급합니다.

동영상 03분 50초 정도 맞추세요.

“일단 우리 소비자들도 리복 본사 홈페이지에 들어가면, 인터넷을 통해서 환불 접수를 할 수 있습니다.

다만 영어로 구매를 증명해야하고, 또 번거로운 절차를 밟아야 하는데, 리복 코리아측.

소비자들의 궁금증에 대해서 제품을 판매할 때처럼 적극적으로 책임있는 답변 내놔야 하겠습니다.”

Here’s a tip for getting a refund: at the moment, Reebok Korea hasn’t said anything about it, but if you go the main [English] Reebok site, and convert your proof of purchase documents into English, then you can receive one. *^_^* See the “SBS 5 Minute Economy” news video here [like the last one, stubbornly resisting embedding or recording sorry!] at about 3:50 for more information. As it says:

“First, Korean consumers have to go to the English Reebok site [James – or via the FTC itself here]. From there, they can apply to receive a refund. However, this is a troubling and annoying procedure, as it has to be done entirely in English.

Producers that so aggressively sold such shoes, should be equally proactive and aggressive in fulfilling their responsibilities to consumers”. (end)


As I type this a week after the news first broke, unfortunately both the Korean media and consumers seem relatively aloof, with only a handful of stories about it, and fewer still going beyond simply stating the facts of the US case: those 3 above cover pretty much everything I’ve been able to find about the impact on Korea. While that was disheartening, I do think the FTC’s shake-up of the industry means toning shoes’ days are numbered. And that if manufacturers continue to pretend US rulings didn’t occur, then ultimately Korean consumers will express their displeasure with their wallets.

On the other hand, I also find the blogger’s (and SBS news reporters’) sentiments a little naive: with 2/3rds of EasyTones sold outside of the US (and I’d wager a good many of those in Korea), as explained in The Consumerist here and here, then, ironically, Reebok may be just as concerned about the Korean government’s reaction as it was the FTC’s. In which case, it’s no wonder that Reebok Korea hasn’t even acknowledged the FTC ruling, and I certainly don’t expect them to do even that unless Korean consumers force them!

What do you think will happen next? Anybody have EasyTone shoes (hey, we’ve all bought stupid things!), or know somebody that does?


14 thoughts on “Reebok Assvertising Full of Hot Air: Korean Reactions

  1. Thanks for the update. I just had a quick comment about the translation of the blogger. When she says “꽤 편하거든요. 어떤 효과가 있는 지는 아직도 못느끼고 있지만 ㅎㅎ :)” She’s actually saying “They’re actually really comfortable. [Although] I haven’t noticed any benefit from them yet… Lol :)” I just felt that it;s a subtle but perhaps telling difference. It seems to me that she’s saying she likes them but not because they’re doing what they caimed they would.


      1. As you can tell, it kind of died out. I felt that it didn’t have enough focus. This is something I should have foreseen before I started writing it. I think the best Korea blogs are a bit more specific, and therefore seem to find it easier to find things to write about. It also means that there’s constant new things to write about, as with your blog. Mine lacked that. Also, I was tired of people trying to pass off stuff I’d written as their own – including a university student who got caught out because their lecturer or someone had also read it on my blog! I think it’ll be back one day, which is why I’ve never deleted it. Hopefully I’ll be starting a new job some time this year at a company, which might be the source of consistent new topics that I need to really get going again.

        I still read a lot, blogs and books and articles, although since I’ve been blogging less I’ve been commenting less, but I still read the blogs I always did just because I find them interesting.


  2. I first read this post at work, and I was actually a bit worried about anyone seeing me reading it because of the images. I had to remind myself that they’re actually adverts intended for public consumption and you can see them in the streets. But before I had that realisation, I was just thinking about how much they were focusing on the breasts, legs and ass of the women. Remove the images from the context of advertisments and you’d think they were taken for men’s pleasure. As you’ve detaled on here many times, though, this wouldn’t be the first example of that.

    I’m going to do my usual thing of just.not.getting the photoshop. Clearly plenty of people have been stupid enough to buy these shoes. So perhaps I shouldn’t be so surprised that there are people stupid enough to look past the photoshopping. But really, when advertising a product that claims to tone and shape the body, how is photoshopping the models even remotely justifiable??? And when it’s sooo obvious, as in the final 3 ads especially, who is stupid enough to take those claims and those images on face value? In the picture of the group of women standing in a line they look to me about as realistic and lifelike as the characters in that Final Fantasy film. It’s not a very attractive image, either, with the way the light reflects of the white makeup on their faces and the unnatural and just wierd poses, girls 2, 3, 4 and 5 from the left anyone?

    I’ve asked the question before of whether or not people in Korea genuinely do realise the amount and extent of photoshopping done here. And I think this begs the question again. Personally, I knew from the outset that these shoes can’t match the claims the companies make. But let’s say I didn’t know, and saw these ads. The photoshopping alone would be anough to put me off, because the models are being portrayed in a way which suggests that theyir bodies would be the end result of wearing the shoes. But they’re so heavily photoshopped. Therefore even if those women do/did wear those shoes and experienced all the benefits Reebok or whoever claimed, their bodies still didn’t end up like what Reebok think we want them to. So the whole thing is a waste of women and false advertising.

    So why is it necessary for there to be a big legal case before people can reach that conclusion? Why is photoshopping so damned blatant here? The only reason I can think of is that, as I’ve stated before on this blog, people either don’t realise it’s happening or they’re actually atracted to the photoshopped images. Both of these I find mind-boggling. One, because how can you not realise? Two, because the fake, plasticky looks are just so unappealing to me. I don’t like the way some women here look in real life when they’ve smothered their face so thick in some white oily stuff that it shines, so why would I be attracted to a cgi image?

    In short, I just don’t get it ㅋㅋ.


    1. I’m on the Seamus tip (if that doesn’t sound dirty?^^).

      One of the things that I noticed is that there seemed to be a major emphasis on major breasts in these adverts. THAT would be a pair of shoes.^^

      The other is that some of the women are robotic…

      I was impressed, if that is the word, that the butt in the easytone/phone commercial could honestly be Korean (sorry Hyuna!) and that, at least, is something?


        1. If you’re talking about the butt one (hard to say from your comment)? Still doesn’t matter – it fits here. Going into detail would be loathsome, but that is not an unrealistic butt in Korea. I’ve seen many lingerie adds (which as you have often noted usually feature foreigners) that are genotypically unlikely.

          I’d think of it like the “original pizza” advert. Doesn’t matter who made it, it works. ^^


          1. Hmmm…an easy topic for us to get confused about I guess…*must-restrain-myself-from-lack-of-blood-in-the-head-jokes*

            Because you said “easytone/phone commercial”, I thought you meant this one. Butt after thinking long and hard about it, then sure, that could indeed be Korean.

            Will wisely get back to my replies to other comments now…


    2. @Seamus

      I understand about reading the post at work. By coincidence, today I was linked to (and thanks for that btw!) by a blogger that has decided to talk about J-pop using only graphs(!) and so on for images, lest (presumably) his work computer be plastered with such images ever time the boss pops over.

      As for the photoshop, I’m embarrassed to admit that I was so distracted by said breasts, buttocks, and legs that I didn’t really notice it at all this time. But I certainly agree with everything you said about it, especially about the faces smothered in whitening cream!


  3. Their claims sound dodgy, but if it got people to walk more, they would be doing something useful at least. Especially given the exercise avoiding tendencies of women. I wonder if someone’s done a study to see if people who bought the shoes walked more?

    Love the whole corporate “ignore the issue and hope it goes away” strategy. Their legal, PR and marketing departments must be working frantically to try and dig the company out of the impressively large hole of its own making.


    1. You’ve got a point, and I’ve read doctors etc. say similar things about the Wii. My gut feeling though, is that people who buy these shoes don’t anticipate exercising more, but simply expect to continue doing what they’re already doing, just more effectively. But I can’t read their minds of course, and I guess people who genuinely don’t like running and/or can’t for medical reasons may legitimately have been tempted by these shoes.

      As for Reebok Korea’s response, well, like I said it’s barely gotten any reaction at all here. So to play Devil’s Advocate, acting as if the FTC case in the US never happened makes perfect sense really.


      1. That’s true, people who don’t do any exercise might be more attracted to them. But who knows,

        With the wii at least, you have to do more moving than sitting with a controller.

        Yep, it didn’t happen, move along, nothing to see here. If I was a competitor with no skeletons in the closet, I might have a quiet word to the appropriate authorities, and write a few outraged ‘anonymous’ letters to the media and politicians. Mention something about evil American companies, stoke nationalist fervor, that would never happen, right?


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