U.S. Guest Lecture, Boston November 12th

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Apologies for the slow posting recently, but I have a good excuse: at the invitation of Hyewon Kayla Cha, vice-president of the Korean Student’s Association, I’ll be giving a guest lecture on Korean gender issues at Wellesley College in Boston on Friday November 12th, and I’ve been organizing tickets!

It will be a very whirlwind trip unfortunately (Korean time I leave Thursday afternoon, and arrive back on Sunday evening), but I’m really looking forward to it, and it would be great to meet any US-based readers if you’re in the neighborhood.

Apologies in advance for my being a little distracted if we do meet though, as I haven’t actually been to the US since, well… 1987!^^

More details closer to the event.

Hyewon Kayla ChaHyewon Kayla Cha


p.s. Yes, Wellesley College is where Mona Lisa Smile was filmed in 2003.

p.p.s Can anyone recommend a way to book tickets from Korea for the flights from JFK to Logan International Airport? All done thanks!